Evolutionary Democracy: The Black Rose Revolution

An army of principles will penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot—it will succeed where diplomatic management would fail—it will march on the horizon of the world, and it will conquer.
—Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice, 1796

Collective Individualism

God Pantheon
Individuality Unity
Freedom Tolerance
Power Synergy

CAN AN INDIVIDUAL truly live freely in a collective? Can individualism and collectivism harmonize? Can a “pantheon of gods” exist, as I have defined it? Can a “union of egoists” exist, as Max Stirner declared? If a human is “the being whose project is to be God,” as Jean-Paul Sartre concluded, can aspiring gods and goddesses support one another and find group synergy? This simple line of reasoning asks whether “collective individualism” or “group individualism” or “collective self-rule” can exist.

In previous compendia, I enumerated the defining values of the Left Hand Path according to both individual and collective contexts, i.e., solitary magick and group magick. Individually, a magician self-deifies to become a god or goddess. Collectively, a group of magicians deify to become a pantheon. A pantheon pluralizes the values of godhood. Ergo, personal individuality becomes group unity, personal freedom becomes group tolerance, and personal power becomes group synergy. These are true by definition, and prove that an individual can coexist and cooperate in a group by universalizing their values to other individuals collectively. In summary, individualism and collectivism can complement each other; they are not opposites, but are different levels of scale in human organization.

To place my opinion on record in regard to a 176-year-old dialectic between Young Hegelians in Germany, circa 1844, featuring Max Stirner’s egoism versus Karl Marx’s communism, or radical individualism versus radical collectivism: I rank the individual as the lowest common denominator of a society and thus most necessary, as they embody the constituents wherefrom civilization arises. The biological fact is that Homo sapiens are an individuated species, insofar as every human being is born with independent physical autonomy over their body; a human can survive alone in a remote location without civilization. Nonetheless, when organized into a collective, their mutual aid can accelerate and maximize their evolution further than if any one individual had operated alone. Again, individualism and collectivism can complement each other under a social contract of universal rights. Hear me now: rise above the antiquated false dilemma of individualism versus collectivism by acknowledging that they dovetail each other. Collective self-rule is possible!

A free and democratic society organizes from the bottom up, not from the top down. By this axiom, a civilization guarantees a social contract or constitution of universal individual rights. Alas, if said civilization transgresses this consensual agreement, then that entity loses validity, and has devolved into tyranny instead.

Transhuman Rights — Cosmic Liberties Transcend the Physical Plane

You are not your body.
—Robert Bruce, pioneer of astral travel

Natural rights transcend the physical plane, and span the full stack of planes, a.k.a. the cosmos, from physical and astral to causal and mental planes, therefore becoming cosmic rights. Furthermore, individual consciousness transcends the physical body and spans the full stack of planal bodies and identities, thus conceiving transhuman rights, in contrast to strictly “human” rights. “You are not your body,” illuminates astral traveler and mystical pioneer, Robert Bruce. Ultimately, a consciousness does not have a fixed species, nor gender, as categorized idealistically by talking apes. Every individual is trans-species and transgender at spirit level, similar to demons whose identities have evolved over millennia through shapeshifting and gender-shifting. This sobering truth justifies freedom of identity as a cosmic transhuman right. As an individual consciousness who currently resides in a human body on Earth, and perhaps soon Mars, the reality of transhumanism and transgenderism might sound far-fetched and even “politically correct.” But, to an astral projector who often shapeshifts and gender-shifts on astral travels, rigid belief in superficial identity labels is not only unnecessary, but limiting to the evolution of consciousness, as it restricts the available range of lived experiences. Moreover, from a reincarnation perspective, any given consciousness has assumed hundreds, if not thousands, of bodies across a mix of species, colors, sexes, and universes. In general, humans over-identify as their physical demographic, thus blinding their astral perception, and handicapping them with rigid identitarian tunnel vision.

The Cosmic Social Contract

I define the “cosmic social contract” or “cosmic constitution” according to these transhuman rights below.

  • Freedom of Thought: As virtual reality and brain implant technology normalize into society, psychological autonomy becomes an urgent right, i.e., protection against the tyranny of “thought policing” and “thought surveillance.” Beware future precognition laws that would prohibit “criminal thoughts.” Ineluctably, corporations will surveil and record your “thought history,” and send precise electrical impulses directly to your amygdala like targeted advertisements, as they do on mobile phones and computers with digital fingerprints now.
  • Freedom of Speech: Uncensored distribution of knowledge and opinion remains essential to a healthy enlightened population, particularly in a direct democracy, because voters need a general comprehension of the laws that affect their lives. As long-time dissident Noam Chomsky remarked, “Do I believe in free speech? Only an authoritarian does not.” If freedom of speech did not exist, this Foreword in front of you would also not exist, as authoritarians expressly censor antinomian and adversarial material. Historically, this Compendium would have guaranteed me and accompanied authors jail time for immoral blasphemy.
  • Freedom of Identity: Consciousness transcends earthly Homo sapiens, and thus rises above traditional demographics and social labels; the individual remains free to reincarnate, soul travel, and redefine themselves as necessary to further their evolution. Consider the maxim by Robert Bruce, “You are not your body.”
  • Freedom of Relationship: A demonic magician will immediately know why the right to freedom of relationship matters. Historically, the theocratic ruling class have expressly prohibited relationships between humankind and demonkind, deeming it a sin deserving of eternal damnation. Needless to say, this principle includes any form of consensual adult relationship whether human or spirit, straight or queer.
  • Freedom of Self-Defense: The right to bear arms to protect life and preserve peace, for both the individual and the collective, shall not be infringed.

Altogether, these constitute a bill of inclusive transhuman rights that extend to a cosmic scale, insofar as it includes not only humans, but demons, spirits, and ghosts of every species and plane full stack. Consciousness and magick are neither exclusive to, nor originating from, humans on earth. Dear reader, I welcome you now to assume a post-human, post-earth perspective. Upon your death, you will reawaken on the astral plane, liberated from your mortal coil, only to discover that your overly anthropocentric and geocentric worldview had limited you; the cosmic multiverse does not revolve around the Milky Way galaxy. In fact, the Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda galaxy in 4.5 billion years, exterminating earthly life indefinitely.

Anarchy Vs. Authority — The True Order of the Cosmos

Hierarchy: A form of rule by an exclusive political class or priesthood; hieros means “sacred” and arkhos means “ruler” in Greek. Traditionally, a hierarch refers to a “priest.”

Anarchy: A decentralized form of civilization without a central hierarchy or separate ruling class.

Government: Derives from kubernan “to steer” in Greek.

Anarchism means no rulers; it does not mean no rules. It means no governors; it does not mean no government. It means no politicians; it does not mean no politics. In theory, anarchism denotes a civilization with no central hierarchy dictating legislation and adjudication. Ideally, a free society would decentralize legislative and judicial power to every individual equally and inclusively in the form of collective self-rule, thus abolishing the central hierarchy of a separate privileged political class as seen in governments like a republic, monarchy, fascism, and authoritarian communism. Instead of Group B ruling Group A, it consists of Group A ruling themselves. The law-giver class and law-obeyer class become one and the same. This autonomy can only manifest in the form of a direct democracy, whereby civilians directly express their will and preferences on the laws in a general vote and referendum, without a separate class of politicians mandating, vetoing, or falsely representing them.

The Astral Plane as a “State of Natural Liberty” & “Autonomous Zone”

Autonomous zone: an area of collective self-rule, free from hierarchical rule

Only residents of the physical plane suffer tyranny of compulsory hierarchy, because land and resource scarcity exists on the physical plane only. For example, the astral plane operates in a “state of natural liberty” to recycle a phrase from Thomas Paine’s book, Common Sense, inasmuch as the astral features no national politics, no police forces, no imperial militaries, no court systems, no stock and bond markets, and no money. No artificial laws exist, thus no artificial enforcement exists. The astral plane epitomizes natural freedom and chaos. Astral residents (Astralites) do not participate in a mass-market economy, because resources manifest on demand. The needs of survival exist in nearly perfect abundance, available to everyone openly and freely, eliminating any need of monetization or commoditization of resources.

As an aside: hierarchy can exist on the astral plane. For example, the Qliphothic Empire consists of demonarchies, i.e., astral realms ruled by chief demons. However, humans and spirits undergo Qliphothic initiation with demonarchs consensually in order to experience ascent; none of the initiations occur due to legal compulsion. The astral plane altogether entails a genuine example of an “autonomous zone,” that is, an area of collective self-rule free from a privileged central authority.

The “Needs of Survival” a.k.a. Invisible Chains

The political power structure on earth in the physical plane exists for one reason: an anthropogenic scarcity of natural resources exists, due to a plutocratic meta-ruling class who have hoarded and monopolized the needs of survival, then transferred them intergenerationally through bloodline dynasties, crowns, trusts, and corporations. Chieftains, kingdoms, and nations arose over millennia to protect and aggrandize these imperial resource-hoarding dynasties, while expendable civilians have warred outwardly against foreigners and competed inwardly against citizens for survival under the false global pretext of scarcity. Whereas, in point of fact, an abundance of naturally regenerating resources exists on earth that could fulfill the needs of every man, woman, and child, but this will only reveal itself when humanity finally decentralizes political power en masse, and rebalances essential resources through a true direct democracy—not unlike the “equal happiness” vision of the first president of the United States, George Washington, to name an example.

The Birth of Economic Liberty — The Meaning of Freedom in Medieval Time

La propriété, c’est le vol! (“Property is theft!” in reference to royal land)
—Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?, 1840

In medieval agrarian Europe, circa 500-1500 CE, when a monarch or feudal lord seized by force a territory of land, forest, or natural resources, that master now ruled the local peasant population who previously accessed that newly privatized land to survive. By monopolizing the natural resources, the peasant class became dependent on the master-class for survival; by owning the needs of survival, the masters owned the peasants by extension—this explains why the world’s first known anarchist, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, viewed royal or militarized ownership of common landscapes as theft, i.e., landlording. This medieval form of indirect slavery instigated the earliest wave of a transcontinental, economic, human rights movement to emerge in Europe, an embryo of liberty, designated as proto-anarchism, proto-libertarianism, and proto-socialism in retrospect. These classical liberal Robin Hoods aspired to expropriate the lands, forests, and natural resources from private ownership by the crown and aristocratic lineages. They fought to guarantee every individual the liberty or right to access their needs from unoccupied open land shared collectively by the peasantry. These first green anarchists agitated against entities who used brute force to monopolize and landlord natural resources, e.g., monarchs, feudal lords, emperors, etc. These early seeds of agrarian liberty gave rise to the philosophy of democratic landownership, which has surfaced in a much lesser form as public landownership under custody of the federal government to preserve precious landscapes and ecosystems from royal or corporate abuse.

It will be more advantageous to the happiness of the lowest class of people because of the equal distribution of property by the great plenty of unoccupied lands.
—George Washington, “Letter to Richard Henderson,” June 19, 1788

As a historical fact, early colonists of North America protected open access to “unoccupied lands” to guarantee “happiness of the lowest class,” whereas today, the Western world has regressed backward to a wasteland of corporate neo-feudalism or neo-monarchism, under a corrupt illusion of liberty. It might confuse my fellow Americans to hear this—as neo-liberal dogma has brainwashed them since birth—but classical liberals advocated community profit-sharing of essential capital through a collective basic income, not corporate welfare and lifelong wage slavery, which they viewed as a threat to democracy.

In fact, celebrated president Abraham Lincoln corresponded with public friend, revolutionary Karl Marx, in numerous letters, in which Marx congratulated Lincoln on his American Antislavery War, or Civil War. Moreover, Lincoln himself addressed a New York chapter of Marx’s International Workingmen’s Association, declaring, “The strongest bond of human sympathy, outside of family relation, should be one uniting all working people, of all nations, and tongues, and kindreds.” The founders and pioneers of the United States sternly warned against the evils of land monopoly and extreme wealth inequality in their manifestos and letters, indicting class warfare as a clear and present danger to a healthy society. As agents of liberty born on the corpse of a failed, class-based, feudal state, these men and women in the New World knew the evils of plutocracy firsthand. For more evidence and further clarification on colonial American ideal of democratic landownership funding a collective income as a floorboard to support individual income, see Agrarian Justice by English-born, American revolutionary, Thomas Paine.

The present state of what is called civilization is as odious as it is unjust. It is the reverse of what it ought to be, and it is necessary that a revolution should be made in it. The contrast of affluence and wretchedness continually meeting and offending the eye, is like dead and living bodies chained together.

The earth, in its natural uncultivated state, was, and ever would have continued to be, the COMMON PROPERTY OF THE HUMAN RACE. In that state, every man would have been born to property.

It is the value of the improvement only, and not the earth itself, that is individual property. Every proprietor therefore of cultivated land, owes to the community a ground-rent.

Cultivation is, at least, one of the greatest natural improvements ever made by human invention. But the landed monopoly, that began with it, has produced the greatest evil.

It is proposed that the payments [collective income from the ground rent] be made to every person, rich or poor.
—Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice

Rule of freedom: whoever owns the needs of survival in an economy, owns the population. Modern man and woman wear invisible chains, stripped of their natural inheritance to the earth. The corrupt government extorts taxes from them to fund a class warfare that oppresses them, while they labor to further the economic dominance of their masters. Leviathan has fully swallowed his own tail.

Master-Slave Morality — The Alchemy of Suffering

In Twilight of the Idols, when Friedrich Nietzsche reckoned, “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger,” he was neither victim-shaming nor victim-blaming. He did not say, “Never identify as a victim,” nor “deny your victimhood.” To the contrary, he emphasized that pain and suffering can force a victim to channel their preternatural urgency to live, an anthropomorphic expression of the cosmic “will to power,” that a victim would not have known existed, had they not suffered in the first place. He inverted and revaluated suffering, generally considered a negative, into a positive value insofar as it fuels alchemy, or ascent as a magician would call it. For example, a near-death experience or near-fatal accident will often trigger a lasting, overriding sense of gratitude for survival and affirmation of life. A victim can invert and revaluate their victimhood by letting it harden their spirit—a struggle that turns the wheel of human evolution. The twin archetypes of the Devil and Antichrist encompass this dynamic of alchemical suffering. As a postscript, this alludes to why Nietzsche loathed Buddhism, because the religion denies the value of suffering (dukkha) and urges adherents to renounce life.

Friedrich Nietzsche emerged as humanity’s worst sworn enemy against absolute and authoritarian moral tradition—he smashed these “idols” with a philosophical “hammer” in his own words. In his On the Genealogy of Morals, he introduced and dissected a meta-morality featuring a “master and slave” dichotomy, to explain the descent of class-based morals through world history—the law-giving class versus the law-obeying class. In summary, he defined a “master” or “aristocrat” as an individual with the right to dictate their own morals and identity, i.e., a self-ruler, whereas a “slave” inherits the morals and identity of their master, i.e., a subject.

Despotic government supports itself by abject civilization, in which debasement of the human mind, and wretchedness in the mass of the people, are the chief criteria. Such governments consider man merely as an animal; that the exercise of intellectual faculty is not his privilege; that he has nothing to do with laws, but to obey them; and they politically depend more upon breaking the spirit of the people by poverty, than they fear enraging it by desperation.
—Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice

Moses & the 10 Commandments

The archaic Christian myth, “Moses & the 10 Commandments,” epitomizes this master-slave dichotomy. In the legend, the totalitarian emperor reigning from the Kingdom of Heaven, known as Yahweh, often portrayed as a white man enthroned on a mountain of clouds, bequeaths a tablet of commandments that explicitly abolish free thought and free speech under threat of damnation, to the tribal patriarch Moses, who then commits genocide against neighboring tribes to enforce this prohibition. In this psychopathy, Yahweh and Moses embody the “master” archetype inasmuch as they acted as law-givers and identity enforcers, whereas the tribes embody the “slave” archetype in that they inherited these new laws and redefined their identities in obedience to their new masters.

When Friedrich Nietzsche invokes the Übermensch, he points to a more evolved specimen of humanity in the future, a “lucky stroke of fate,” a “master” or “god” who rules themselves by defining their own moral and aesthetic identity, instead of kowtowing to archaic law tablets inherited from sniveling ghosts of a dead hierarchy. In The Gay Science, when Nietzsche exclaims, “God is dead! … Do we not ourselves have to become Gods?” he means precisely this. As he illuminated, “The wheel of progress does not roll backward.” Ideally, a free society means that the law-giving class and law-obeying class have become one and the same.

The Evil Duplicity of Christianity — The Oppressed Oppressors: King Yahweh & Jesus Christ

Christ means “anointed one” in Greek, khristos

Messiah means “anointed one” in Hebrew, mashiah

Elite means “chosen ones” in Latin, eligere

The anointing of an elite bestows upon them the highest entitlement of a “divine right” to law-give. It infringes the “human right” of people to self-rule collectively. The Crucifixion of Jesus myth epitomizes the “privileged victim,” “dictator victim” and “oppressed oppressor” complex commonly found in the mythology of tyrannical ideology. The cosmic emperor, Yahweh, gives life to the world’s most privileged patriarch, Jesus, who inherits the Kingdoms of Heaven and Earth, and who subjects himself to the capital punishment of crucifixion, thereby also becoming the world’s biggest victim. Through evil duplicity, the oppressor becomes the oppressed, indoctrinating a perverse sense of victimhood in Christians, who weep and bemoan “oppression” by a world that has scientifically, ethically, and culturally evolved past them ages ago. Today, billions of disempowered sheep kneel in front of life-sized crucifixes, grieving the death of the most world’s most privileged victim, begging forgiveness from an invisible cosmic dictator for the original sin of being human.

Justice of the Antichrist — Against the Privileged Elite

In my foreword, “The Antichrist Manifesto,” to Abaddon: Lord of the Abyss, Compendium 4, I elucidated the true meaning of Antichrist at length:

Both christ and messiah mean “the anointed;” similarly, elite means “the chosen;” they denote an identity archetype, a mantle of the highest privilege bestowed upon an initiate who undergoes a rite of passage granting them a divine right to rule, not unlike crowning a king or swearing in a president. Anointing refers to rubbing ointment or oil on a recipient, a common part of initiatory ceremonies in ancient time.

The Antichrist signifies an inverse identity, negative archetype, or adverse mantle—not an individual figure by name, but an entire subversive zeitgeist. In contradiction to Christ, Antichrist means “the unanointed,” “the unchosen,” “the unwashed,” “the undesirables,” the “anti-elite.” If Christ personifies the elite, then Antichrist encompasses the people.

As exemplified in this genocidal tradition, only the ruling class of deities, priests, monarchs, and feudal landlords possessed the divine right to law-give; the human right to moral autonomy was prohibited for slaves and peasants, a.k.a. the “working class.” In retrospect, the world history of Homo sapiens and civilization in general consists of a long, bloody, evolution from class-based authoritarian hierarchy to class-free democratic equality—a journey still in transit to its final destination.

The Age of Enlightenment — Human Rights Vs. Divine Rights

In the Age of Enlightenment, a secular wave of pioneering philosophers rebelled against the religious mythos of a divine right to rule as the bedrock of civilization, and instead championed earthly genius and the human right to self-determination—the concept of human rights and liberty emerged against preexisting authority. A wave of liberal ideals planted seeds of democratic rebellion in the peasant classes of Europe. For example, in the French Revolution in Paris, starving peasants united and overthrew their omnipotent monarch, thus rebalancing and semi-decentralizing the locus of power to a legislative assembly or republic.

Historically, this revolutionary wave of individual liberty intersected and unified with other concurrent liberty movements in defense of women and people of color. On October 5, 1789, Paris hosted one of the earliest proto-feminist marches, the Women’s March on Versailles, where women protested for affordable bread. Moreover, the French Republic abolished slavery in 1794 under demands from human rights groups like the Society of the Friends of the Blacks.

Prior to the revolution, the Catholic Church as the official religion of France had advocated the underclass subservience of women, slavery of Africans, and feudal serfdom of the peasant class. Over two millennia, Biblical dogma has remained intact, and their adherents still try to restrict women’s self-ownership. As power of the Catholic Church wanes, they have needed to pivot from legal punishment of sin to cultural shaming, for example, shouting slurs at young women as they leave a women’s health clinic or family planning center.

Antitheism & the Abolition of Theocratic Monarchy

The study of theology, as it stands in the Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it produces no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion.

And as simple government avoids us becoming the dupes of fraud, so simple belief protects us from the fraud of priestcraft, which so often runs hand in hand with despotism.
—Thomas Paine, The Complete Writings

On a two-dimensional spectrum, the exact polar opposite of authoritarianism is a pure democracy or direct democracy—not a classical republic. Nonetheless, across 1700s Europe, antitheist philosophers became highly skeptical and excoriated the “divine rights” used by Christian monarchs to justify their omnipotent authority. In my own personal opinion, I rank Thomas Paine as my favorite founder of the United States, not only because he championed liberty in his Rights of Man, but he demolished the theocratic power structure of the Church, a progressive blasphemy that ruined his station among religious statesmen. Paine championed the abolition of slavery at a time when his peers Thomas Jefferson and George Washington owned slaves. In his The Age of Reason, Paine undressed Christianity as a metaphysical falsehood that royals had weaponized, and used his antitheism to innovate democracy in place of theistic monarchy. Due to technological and logistical limitations of that era, democracy could only materialize in a much inferior version, namely, a representative democracy, a.k.a. republic.

A late-stage republic “fails” when it has irreversibly devolved into accelerating corruption by design of its power structure, whereby an ever-increasing number of politicians represent the welfare of the plutocratic class, while an ever-decreasing number represent the welfare of the people. More precisely, a republic has suffered catastrophic failure when it has degenerated into corporate socialism, that is to say, when corporate welfare has superseded public welfare.

“Freedumb” — Late-Stage Republic: An Intermediary Klepto-Crypto-Plutocracy

Cryptarchy means hidden rulership or secret government.

Crypto means hidden or secret, and originates from kryptein “to hide,” and kryptos “hidden” in Greek.

Neo from neos “new” in Greek; as a prefix to another term, it suggests a new version, e.g., neo-aristocracy “new aristocracy.”

Pseudo from pseudes “false” or “fake” in Greek; as a prefix to another term, it denotes a fake version, e.g., pseudo-democracy “fake democracy.”

Plutocracy denotes rule by the owners of essential resources, utilities, and capital who fund the political class.

A republic is only an intermediary kind of human civilization, as society evolves on a millennia-long trajectory from authoritarianism to direct democracy. A republic is an indirect democracy, or pseudo-democracy, and the most corrupt form of democracy, insofar as it elevates the political class into an infallible neo-aristocracy, installed by the plutocratic class to enforce their top-down economic rule, so-called “trickle down” economics.

A Dictatorship Per Capita

To place this in perspective, an extremely tiny elite rule over the civilian underclass. For example, at a federal level in the United States, only 535 congresspeople dictate laws to as many as 328,000,000 citizens. This astronomical power inequality means that 00.0001% rule over 99.9999% of the population, with absolutely no legal recourse or guarantee of accountability to the civilian underclass. This equals a per capita ratio of one congressperson to 613,084 citizens. If a remote island of half a million people existed and only one person ruled them, everyone would rightly call it a monarchy or dictatorship. Nonetheless, humans allow this to occur at a per capita level in modern society.

It costs over half a billion dollars to become president of the United States, ergo a president needs to either auction off their future executive power to highest-bidding plutocrats, or be a plutocrat themself. As a categorical truth, only the most ruthlessly corrupt politicians can become a president and congressperson.

Let us assume that the state is made up of ten thousand citizens. The sovereign can be considered only collectively and as a body. But each private individual in his capacity as a subject is considered as a single individual. Thus, the sovereign is to the subject as then thousand to one. That is, each member of the state has for his share only one ten-thousandth as a part of the sovereign authority, even though is he entirely subjected to it. If the people are made up of one hundred thousand men, the condition of the subjects does not change, and each one bears the full dominion of the laws equally, whereas his vote, being reduced to one hundred-thousandth, has ten times less influence on the drafting of the laws. In that case, since the subject always remains one, the ratio of the sovereign to the subject increases in proportion to the number of citizens. From which it follows that the more the state grows, the more freedom diminishes.
—Jean-Jacques Rousseau, On the Social Contract, 1762

The plutocratic master-class fund, lobby, and groom the political middle-class; this explains why a congressperson in the USA will enter office with a net worth of $100,000 and leave office with $10,000,000. To reciprocate, politicians legislate the economic dominance of the plutocrats, while disguised as populist allies of the civilian underclass. Simplified: a republic is an intermediary phase of a monarchy evolving into a direct democracy. Hence, modern politicians act like privileged aristocrats fully immune to legal punishment.

A three-tier hierarchy exists in a republic:

  1. Plutocratic Class: A master-class of meta-rulers who operate above the law, own natural resources, utilities, and essential capital, and finance politicians for profit.
  2. Political Class: A middle-class of rulers-for-hire who authorize and enforce the financial and legal privileges of the plutocratic master-class.
  3. Civilian Class: An underclass of laborers, debtors, taxpayers, and consumers who rent their bodies to the plutocratic master-class to survive, and whose taxes fund the enforcement of their own oppression.

A republic is neither the final, nor freest, nor most empowered, nor most enlightened form of human civilization. In a republic, the citizenry elects their rulers from a pre-selected group of candidates staged by the plutocratic class. No matter who the civilian class elect, the plutocratic class remain in power. A republic operates top-down, and expresses the will and preferences of the plutocratic class first and foremost.

A revolution in the state of civilization, is the necessary companion of revolutions in the system of government. If a revolution in any country be from bad to good, or from good to bad, the state of what is called civilization in that country, must be made conformable thereto, to give that revolution effections.
—Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice

Western intellectuals rarely critique and dismantle classical republicanism as a form of government. Instead, they point out corruption in individual politicians and parties, chanting the same old song, “Vote them out!” ad nauseam, wasting billions on failed campaigns and candidates who bring no structural change. Dear reader, you cannot “vote out” an elite power structure. The answer is not to vote for a “white knight” politician who will ride in on a horse and save everyone. The very form of government itself does not reflect the needs of human evolution any longer. The propaganda of early modern politicians has indoctrinated you to believe that you need a master to represent you, has indoctrinated you to believe that you cannot self-rule, has indoctrinated us to believe we cannot self-rule collectively.

Evolutionary Democracy — Decentralizing Power to Self-Rule Collectively

Only when the State comes in contact with his ownness does the egoist take an active interest in it.
—Max Stirner, The Ego & His Own, p.234

Individual and collective freedom only exist when the civilian class can express their will and preferences by voting directly on main laws that rule their lives, not by electing corrupt masters who vote against their will to further privilege the plutocratic class. A direct democracy is the freest society in principle, it operates bottom-up from the lowest common denominator: the individual. This more enlightened and modern form of civilization maximizes the political power of individuals collectively.

Dimensions Direct Democracy Authoritarianism
Locus Decentralized Centralized
Scope Libertarian* Totalitarian
Term Generational Indefinite
Organization Horizontal Vertical
Status Free Subordinate
Balance Equality Inequality
Economy Independent Dependent
*In this context, libertarianism refers to a late medieval, European, economic rights movement to liberate natural resources from feudal landlords and transfer them to public ownership, as championed by Thomas Paine for example; not to be confused with modern reactionary libertarianism as championed by Ayn Rand for example.

Rule of freedom: the more decentralized the power, the freer the people.

The individualist, adversarialist, and black magician demand their natural right to self-rule. Thus, they demand liberation through direct democracy, as it abolishes their masters who reign on high from an extraneous political class. It elevates the entire species inclusively, regardless of demographic identity, to a plane of collective self-rulership and self-ownership, whereby no one soul lords over another soul in a classist hierarchy. Any lesser form of organization tends to corrupt and backslide to authoritarianism in due time. As seen in historical totalitarian states like fascism, communism, and monarchism, when an elite political class wields a monopoly to dictate law, the civilization devolves into self-annihilation. At this junction in world history, to deny evolutionary democracy is to devolve and degenerate the species itself.

This is anarchism. This is the revolution. The ideal society has no inter-personal hierarchy; every individual possesses equal political power, because every individual possesses equity in society. Thomas Paine eternalized the phrase “necessary evil” in regard to government in Rights of Man. No civilization can function without rules, and only a direct democracy allows the people to rule themselves. The most common complaint against the entrenched republic is that citizens feel unrepresented, unheard, and neglected by their corrupt masters. Thus, less than half the population bothers to vote in a presidential election, and fewer people vote in state and local elections. Modern citizens feel alienated, depressed, and suffer “survival anxiety,” because the law does not reflect their economic needs or well-being, and they know that it never will in their lifetime.

A direct democracy ranks as the least-worst social organization. A minority voter may lose to a majority at times, and a law might pass against their wish. While that might hurt their ego temporarily, they can still find solace in the fact that society heard their voice and registered their preference as valid among the final tally. Whereas today, a privileged class of unaccountable neo-aristocrats rule under the will of a crypto-plutocracy; the citizens remain unheard as the politicians invalidate their existence from cradle to grave.

Point blank: this evolutionary leap to a new, freer, more empowered stage of human civilization will require a revolution. Needless to say, the plutocratic and political classes will fight to protect their longstanding dominance. This quantum leap from a plutocratic republic to a civilian democracy will require the people to finally take all their power back.

As a sane, sober philosopher, I cannot say that this revolution will come to pass in my lifetime, nor can I explain exact “process” logistics behind it—I simply know it to be right and true, as it guarantees liberty and justice at a macro and micro level.

Stockholm Syndrome — Fear of Freedom, a.k.a. Separation Anxiety

Stockholm syndrome: a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity. Emotional bonds may be formed between captor and captives, during intimate time together, but these are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims.

“Humans are too stupid. Humans are too selfish. Humans are too…” A million excuses exist to leave humans enchained. The idea of radical decentralization scares them. Against their better instincts, humans have become indoctrinated to fear freedom itself. They like freedom in theory, but not in reality. This specter of a free society, of collective self-rule, haunts and horrifies brainwashed neo-peasants who believe that they need a mother and father in government to give them a curfew and mandate their bedtime. Regrettably, these pitiful souls suffer a repressed phase of personal ascent that philosopher Immanuel Kant calls, “self-imposed immaturity.” In fairness, these bootlickers have undergone meticulous brainwashing, therefore one cannot blame them fully; they honestly do not know any better. They believe they need chains. Naturally, an individual who has only ever knelt in submission will feel afraid of standing.

Freedom vs. “Freedumb”

Virtually every political ideology espouses freedom; the Confederate Army in the American Civil War battle-cried “freedom” while fighting to preserve states’ rights to slave ownership; the United States houses the largest prison population in the world, while calling itself “the land of the free;” Adolf Hitler propagandized that he “liberated” Germany from Jews through mass-murdering innocent citizens; Josef Stalin declared “liberation” of the peasant class and dictated economic laws that starved peasants to death.

A nation cannot descend into a police state, military state, and prison state altogether at one time, and deem itself a paragon of freedom. Perhaps no single term has ever endured such obvious abuse and misuse as “freedom.” Politicians bullhorn populist rhetoric from their Twitter accounts, while sitting at a $10,000-plate dinner with plutocratic donors. Regrettably, freedom as a value has withered into meaninglessness. Like an empty vessel, it carries any liquid poured into it. It only becomes meaningful when imbued with meaning. Beware “freedumb.” It has become the most common form of propaganda. Authoritarians use “freedumb” to camouflage evil.

Rule of freedom: if you as an individual did not vote on a law that rules your life, then you have not self-ruled—you are not free.

Slaying the Three-Headed Leviathan

Dear reader, I will say it right to your face: Your political and economic masters have indoctrinated you to believe that you need their mastery to survive, that you would suffer in absence of their rulership, when to the contrary, you suffer because of their rulership. Upon abolition of master-classes, civilians would dismantle long-standing tyrannical institutions that they have suffered in agony against their will.

  • Military-State: the endless for-profit wars would terminate as civilians vote against becoming cannon fodder in imperialist boondoggles disguised as “democratizing” the world—an instance of truly Orwellian terminology. Plutocratic and political classes have always sent the civilian class to die in war. If members of the master-classes would like a war, then they need to fight in them.
  • Police-State: the militarized police-state would demilitarize and concentrate on de-escalation as civilians terminate the “war on drugs” that terrorizes non-violent substance users and skyrockets the prison population.
  • Prison-State: the for-profit prison system would liquidate and “lockup quotas” would cease. In a stunning example of irony, the United States houses the largest prison population in the world, while simultaneously calling itself, “the land of the free.” Beware the rise of electric incarceration or e-carceration as physical prisons transform into digital prisons enforced through electronic monitoring of people at home instead of a correctional facility. E-carceration essentially forces a person to fund their own incarceration.

Defense forces and confinement could still exist in a free society; however, their organization, operations, and mandates would undergo a role reversal with a basic emphasis on mental and physical healthcare over escalation of force. My friend, not only do you suffer class warfare, but your taxes fund it.

A Garden of Black Roses

To reiterate: a republic is not the final form of human civilization. Homo sapiens is not the final form of human. As the species evolve toward Homo deus, their form of civilization needs to evolve to support them. A god will not suffer tyranny. Only a direct democracy allows the pantheon of gods and goddesses to self-rule. Despite the traditional Hegelian dialectic, individualism and collectivism can complement each other, and do not necessarily contradict, however society must organize from the lowest common denominator, namely, the individual, then scale bottom up to a collective that operates from general consensus, instead of divine commandment.

What is the exact process of a direct democracy? How do we protect the safety and validity of the vote? Can voting occur electronically or with a blockchain? How do we retire obsolete laws to phase them out? A million logistical concerns exist, and a million answers will resolve them in due time. The Enlightenment philosophers considered a centralized representative government the best form of state according to the limits of technology that existed in late medieval time—but times change, as does technology. Like a pair of childhood shoes, the feet of humanity have outgrown the class system—the old shoes no longer fit, hurt to wear, and disrupt the march forward. It is time for humanity to migrate further to its final form of civilization in evolutionary democracy, with power fully decentralized and equalized to every adult individual like a pantheon of gods and goddesses self-ruling collectively.

Magick unifies humanity, because it transcends politics of the physical plane, thus I generally try to “leave politics out of it,” so to speak. Nonetheless, as chief editor of The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga, it is incumbent on me to reveal the reality of your earthly oppression, that you suffer soft slavery, but might now know it.

Across eight compendiums thus far, I have inseminated thousands of brains with black roses. I have allowed sorcerers to look into a black mirror and see an infernal vision of the future. It would behoove these magicians and witches to nurture these seeds into a garden of freedom, but whether they do remains unseen. They need to fight for evolutionary democracy with the same moral ferocity of their forebears in the Age of Enlightenment, who revolted against hereditary government.