Prologue: Revolution, Utopia & Homo Deus

They only call it class warfare when the slaves fight back.

Revolution is afoot. Rapid thunderclaps of machine gunfire bounce off city walls in Northern Syria. Brata-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat! An out of the closet homosexual gunner now wears a scent of sulfur and metal, the signature perfume of Lucifer. At this moment, his LGBT guerrilla army combats against gay-murdering jihadist group ISIS. A literal queer war ensues in streets of the desert city Raqqa.

An armed Rainbow Revolution rages in the heart of the Middle East.

Late Stage Fascism

Fascist as a term of demonization has regrettably become a rhetorical cliché in Western political dialectic amongst sanctimonious keyboard warriors. They shotgun this blistering accusation indiscriminately: every leftist is a Feminazi; every rightist is a Neo-Nazi—or so each side insists. Even worse, innocent onlookers who have never studied Ancient Roman, Italian, Japanese or German Fascism see only a grade school food fight of half-baked ideas and disregard it entirely.

Nevertheless, a sober definition can immediately demystify this mass hysteria. In essence, fascism simply means hyper-nationalism, hyper-tribalism, or hyper-imperialism. A concept from the Imperium Romanum (Roman Empire) with Latin etymology, a fasces entails a bundle of sticks strapped together to suggest collective unity, with an axe head atop it to suggest capital punishment, specifically beheading. The single axe refers to a single authoritarian figure and the bundle of sticks refers to a patriotic citizenry that support this emperor or dictator. Altogether, it connotes a deadly serious message akin to “join or die” or “with us or against us.” As such, the fasces has become the official icon of empires and nations over millennia. For example, the Republican Fascist Party of Italy under dictator Benito Mussolini adorned their flag with a fasces; the United States hangs two large fasces on a front wall in the House of Representatives; the National Emblem of France contains a fasces behind a shield. Many imperious forces across history from Ancient Rome to France to Italy to Japan to Germany to the United States have normalized two icons into their heraldry: the fasces and the eagle.

Actual Fascism

True fascism features numerous hallmarks:

  • Mandatory patriotism: This includes mandatory military service, military parades, portraits of politicians on walls, and compulsory salutes.
  • Veneration of a messianic authority figure: This “white knight” acts as a savior to redeem a nation; they use a paternal nickname like Il Duce, Führer or Dear Leader.
  • Belligerent invasion and occupation of other nation-states
  • Obsession with racial purity and genetic superiority: This includes inhumane medical experiments, crackpot racialist theories, idealization of bodily features, husbandry, i.e., eugenics.
  • Genocide, internment, or deportation of mixed race, disabled, queer, poor, mentally ill, criminal, and immigrant peoples, i.e., dysgenics
  • Industrial collusion between corporations and state
  • Propaganda: State domination of ideology, required study of a false national history, prohibition of free thought and speech with a ban on dissident literature, and classification of protestors as terrorists.
  • Mandatory religion: This entails compulsory participation in prayer, ceremony, holy days, and religious law.
  • Revival of ancestral paganism: This might involve a quest to find legendary artifacts, literalist interpretations of creationist mythology, and magick in combat.

Needless to say, that last one—revival of paganism—remains neutral and open to contextual interpretation; paganism alone certainly does not qualify a person as fascist, lest your humble author himself be slandered.

Under a strict anarchist definition, every single nation-state in existence classifies as fascist to a varying extent, because every nation militarily enforces segregation of the human species into antagonistic groups, and divides planet earth into artificial territories like prison cells. These manmade barriers interfere with human access to natural resources that everyone needs to survive as a free-living animal. Therefore, a nation-state as an entity robs the birthright inheritance of human beings. In this green, anarchist, and primitivist sense, a nation-state enforces artificial poverty and criminalizes the very freedom to live; moreover, it restricts freedom of travel and assembly with arbitrary manmade barriers and borderlines; last and perhaps worst, a nation-state violently suppresses freedom of thought and speech.

When men refrain from inventing artifices to keep themselves in barbarism, only then will they gradually raise themselves from it.
—Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment?

First Luciferian Lantern

Dear reader, if you ever find yourself in a moral or political dilemma, let this one simple maxim below act as a Luciferian lantern to light your journey.

Less freedom is never the answer.

In a survey of countries today, two undeniably strange examples of late stage fascism dominate the Western imagination: The Islamic State and North Korea. The latter is a calcified relic from last century. Its history in one sentence: Imperialist Japan colonized Korea in 1910, whereby they adopted Japanese fascist ideology of racial superiority calling themselves the “cleanest race,” worshiping a semi-divine authority figure, and rolling out mandatory military service; Japanese rule died in 1945 but this anachronistic fascism has been preserved in North Korea like a rare dinosaur bone in a museum through today.

As for the “motherlode of bad ideas” as secularist Sam Harris calls it, the Islamic State a.k.a. Daesh is founded on militant Sharia Law, a fascist ideology petrified into a fossil from the eighth century. Earlier in this Prologue, the author referenced a Rainbow Revolution that transpires in Raqqa, Syria. Perhaps an abridged history might provide context to this beautifully morbid conflict: A Sunni Islamist named Osama bin Laden founded a military collective called Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 1988 with a core ambition to establish a single global empire under medieval Sharia Law, i.e., a threefold patriarchal caliphate:

  1. Allah: Male ruler of creation
  2. Caliph: Male ruler of religious state
  3. Father: Male ruler of family

Note: many Muslims disagree with extremist interpretations of pronouns in the Quran that genderize Allah as male.

The Al Qaeda franchise in Iraq renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in 2004; then when neighboring country Syria descended into civil war, ISI invaded and dominated it, and renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2013. ISIS reached a new height of toxic masculinity when they abducted and beheaded innocent journalists and ceremonially tossed unarmed gay men off rooftops. They filmed these nauseating deaths, edited them into videos, and mailed them to families of victims as if to say, “Fuck you. We killed your kid. Fight us!” In other words, they acted out classic textbook terrorism—bona fide psychopathy with a clear political mission without a trace of empathy.

Actual Anti-Fascism

Meanwhile tech-friendly, socially-aware Millennials and Generation Z’ers in war-torn Syria have borne witness to elder generations suffering these inhumane atrocities under ISIS occupation; these youngsters also simultaneously see on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter how secularism and alternative lifestyles have normalized into mainstream Western civilization. This monolithic collision of antithetical cultures in Syria has birthed a new generation of phoenixes who rise from the ashes of this oil-rich country. A revolutionary people’s guerrilla movement ascends today particularly amongst members of the gay community. In fact, they united under pink and rainbow flags in a militia called The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army in Raqqa City in 2017—their name abbreviated into TQILA and pronounced like tequila. Together with a larger coalition of rebel forces, they have defeated ISIS in crucial battles and even forced them to retreat and surrender occupied land!

To reiterate this with crystal clarity: in a country where jihadists have ritualistically castrated men into eunuchs for nearly a decade, a LGBT liberation army has taken arms against them and comes out measurably victorious. One can only imagine this queer insurgency not only enrages the bearded, black-booted, testosterone-crazed warriors of ISIS, but it trolls the living shit out of them in front of the entire world. The big, bad machismo soldiers are currently losing to a ragtag band of queers with outdated weapons.

When they declared their existence, TQILA released a photograph accompanying a one-page manifesto. It features seven armed rebels in facemasks whom stand atop rubble and hoist a banner that gloriously exclaims, “These faggots kill fascists.”

Their excoriating little manifesto says paraphrased:

TQILA’s members have watched in horror as fascist and extremist forces around the world have attacked the Queer community and murdered countless of our community members citing that they are “ill,” “sick” and “unnatural.” The images of gay men being thrown off roofs and stoned to death by ISIS was something we could not idly watch. It is also not only ISIS whose hatred leads to religiously motivated hatred and attacks. Christian conservatives in the global northwest have also attacked LGBT*QI+ peoples in an attempt to silence and erase their existence. We stand in solidarity against fascism, tyranny and oppression.

Dear reader, let me insist with full sincerity and with a straight face that these rebels qualify as the coolest, most courageous, most Luciferian people on earth today. They singlehandedly cause Homo sapiens to evolve as a whole species every time they fire a bullet at rabid fascists.

A clairvoyant can almost see the hand of Lucifer pulling the trigger finger of the gunner.

Something weird is happening.

Late Stage Celebrity

That term coolest might seem inappropriate or pretentious in this context but it contains essential pertinence. It begs the question: what is cool? Conventionally, cool means hip, fashionable, à la mode, that is to say a person exemplifies culture of their time. However, this definition contradicts itself because it essentially means a person becomes cool when they act like a follower. People often refer to popular musicians, actors, and models as “cool” but those formulaic celebrities typically embody a stereotype or cliché that a team of statisticians and focus group specialists have arranged through a quantitative analysis of normal people. For example, a record executive tells a coder to run a bot that scrapes a million Twitter accounts of women between ages 15 to 25, it harvests the top 10 most common romantic themes and hashtags found in their tweets, then passes these findings to a ghost songwriter who revises them into a boilerplate song, wherefore a pop star sings these alien lyrics off a screen into a microphone, whereby women of that demographic consume it and swear their favorite singer can see into their soul. These corporate executives just rinse and repeat with every demographic. This shallow, soulless, industrialized coolness circulates like currency in their neoliberal echo chambers. It explains why disposable celebrities look and sound virtually identical; their death spiral of phony greatness accelerates exponentially like a viral bioweapon. This vapid paint-by-numbers tradition of coolness seems to have cannibalized itself when airheaded socialites became “famous for being famous”—an absurdist rationalization to justify the signature hyper-nihilism that comes from late stage celebrity. For the first time ever, modern peasants saw the wizard behind the curtain and rediscovered an old truth: that whoever holds the gold makes the rules; that “cool” culture hitherto has been a demagogic formula of the idle rich that descended from their white-gloved aristocratic ancestors who distributed bread and circuses.

The fatal error occurred when The Rich abandoned their tried and true tradition of cookie cutter celebrity and just nakedly allowed their ignoramus children to become famous for having been born into extreme privilege; in other words, executives no longer tried to mask their stars in boilerplate talent. In fact, the more absurdly out of touch with common folks these disrespectful, gold-spooned teenagers acted, the more famous they became. But it came at a lethal cost, namely, that modern peasants soberly recognized en masse their neo-feudal standing in contemporary plutocratic society. “But what are they famous for? They’re just spoiled brats!” implored basically everyone.

The ancient tribal virtue of heroic fame became a vice—infamy—for the first time. The mythical archetype of a “hero’s journey” where a white knight saves the tribe and receives eternal glory culminated into children of the rich harassing poor employees at Walmart on reality television. From Ancient Greece through Elizabethan England to Hollywood United States, theater had always provided a safe space where peasants could vulgarly belittle their overlords and escape from the chronic drudgery of miserable serfdom, but now suddenly television reflected their serfdom back at them and their overlords vulgarly belittled them instead. It was no longer a show but plain reality, i.e., pretty privileged white kids acting entitled. Fake coolness came full circle and swallowed itself. Celebration of inherited wealth and social elitism switched from à la mode to démodé overnight.

The reader will recall the conventional definition of cool: to exemplify the times, which as a peasant means to emulate celebrities whom parade The Times™. But the reader will also recall that these celebrities merely rent their bodies to corporate executives who rent their bodies to private shareholders whom own the means of production and ultimately dictate which ideologies, critiques, and optics undergo distribution. This is called propaganda. It has occurred since the invention of stone tablets.

This phony rent-a-celebrity culture has reached a white-hot boiling point and now bubbles angrily like water in a tea kettle. Fatal blowback occurs in broad daylight—the celebrities literally just hang themselves. This morbid phenomenon of late where famous people walk off a cliff one after the other in a long row of suicides evidences a new watermark in decadent culture. Your humble author calls it late stage celebrity.

It has always seemed odd to civilians when the Rich and Famous suffer chronic depression, become drug addicts, or have meltdowns because superficially they appear to be lavish and carefree. But that explains it entirely: they have fed their souls to an Old World leviathan. Many of these Artists™ know their Art™ helps to manufacture propaganda that further indoctrinates an ancient power hierarchy between classes. So the noblest among these celebrities commit Seppuku. They off themselves.

This main idea deserves a Nietzschean hammer blow: As long as an extremely tiny ownership class dominates production and distribution, they will forever, always, and only circulate propaganda that justifies and furthers their economic dominance—and they enforce that dominance through modern nation-states as they did through medieval kingdoms as they did through early tribal dominions.

“But Timothy! Propaganda involves distribution of state ideology, not corporations. Why so cynical? You eat Whole Foods™ and drink Starbucks™ and use an Apple™ laptop to shop on Amazon™ with a Wells Fargo™ card. Can’t you just be happy?” pleads a triggered bootlicker.

Calm your heart, little one. Let Timothy wipe that spittle of Kool-Aid from your lips. In fairness, cyanide does look like sugar. No more red pills, here, take this black one.

Second Luciferian Lantern

A second Luciferian lantern to illuminate your travels:

Whoever holds the gold makes the rules.

The rulers do not make the rules; they make rules for whomever gives them gold. Similar to a Celebrity™ and an Executive™, a Politician™ rents their body to a Shareholder™. A politician is a white-collar prostitute—a rude insult to honest sex workers. A prostitute rents out her sex to feed her children; a politician rents out his vote for a third yacht.

Perhaps a syllogistic riddle can elaborate. Three people sit in a room: a politician, a military general, and a rich man. Which one possesses true power? A citizen can violate the law of a politician and never get caught, which proves the politician does not possess absolute power. A soldier can desert an army and never get caught, which proves the military general does not possess absolute power. But a human cannot neglect the need to eat and get away with it, which proves that whoever holds the gold truly makes the rules.

Money is materialized power. Timothy in the Bible said, “Money is the root of all evil.” But, Timothy in Compendium of Lucifer says, “Money is the root of all power” under the plutocracy of state-capitalism. To exemplify this, when the Islamic State invaded Syria, they immediately took over its oil fields and nicknamed oil “black gold.” Because whoever holds the gold makes the rules.

Dear friend, you live in a plutocracy that fronts as a late stage republic. The ancient Roman and Greek god Pluto, formerly called Hades, reigned over the underworld where humans mine precious metals, gems, and stones in his subterranean caves; thus, over time he became recognized as god of wealth. This term plutocracy derives from this mythos; ploutos means “wealth” and kratia means “authority” or “rule.” Quite simply, plutocracy means that the rich rule, and they rule on earth as a matter of fact. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise harbors unresolved sympathies to fascism that have been anchored to the ocean floor of their heart through careful insidious indoctrination shaped over millennia.

But who are these lucky fateful few who inherited this absolute power? Who are these gods of the underworld who own production, who own distribution, who own the face of planet Earth™ and soon Mars™?

Late Stage Capitalism

There’s class warfare alright, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war and we’re winning.
—Warren Buffet, former world’s richest man

Whether capitalist, socialist or mixed, emerging facts about extreme wealth disparity scare everyone. Real estate billionaire, Donald Trump, won his presidential election in the United States on a reactionary pledge to federally redistribute jobs from undocumented workers to poor evangelical Christians through resurrection of dead coal mines, trade protectionism, and migrant deportation. Concurrently, futurist techno-billionaires like Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Stewart Butterfield, and Bill Gates espouse a universal basic income for every citizen to bridge a widening class divide due to accelerating labor automation, which prognosticators warn will cause a “job apocalypse.”

Regardless of whether the reader personally cares about inequality, or whether a job redistribution and universal basic income would help or harm society, or whether artificially intelligent robots will largely replace human labor, an undeniably intriguing paradox remains: Why do these titans of industry who profit-monger, subsidy-gobble, and penny-pinch suddenly aspire to “save jobs” and distribute “free money” to everyone’s bank accounts once a month? Why do these mad plutocrats scramble to align heaven and earth from atop their subterranean thrones?

Hmmm… can you smell it? A whiff of sulfur, a trace of metal, the signature perfume of Lucifer wafts again; his presence surfaces like ectoplasm.

Something weird is happening.

One phrase demystifies this phenomenon: “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” (Let them eat cake). One cannot help but to imagine a stone-faced, gold-hoarding, omnipotent queen or princess decreeing “Let them eat cake!” whereby her squire parks a carriage full of stale brioches (pastries) in a city square to feed an agitated mass of starving unwashed subjects—because if her peasants die, who will farm her fields, ranch her cattle, and fight her wars? Or worse, peasants might finally unite into a people’s army and overthrow her monarchical tyranny altogether, one decapitated feudal landlord at a time. By the by, French peasants in fact did this in a brief triumph of the human spirit called the French Revolution. Alas, proto-fascist Napoleon Bonaparte rose to imperial power in a counterrevolutionary coup d’état that terminated a decade of Jacobin anarchy.

As an aside: Marie-Antoinette the queen-bride of King Louis XVI did not say this infamous quotation as usually believed, but rather an earlier Spanish princess Marie-Thérèse who married King Louis XIV in 1660. Moreover, this often-mythicized quotation did not actually decree a royal distribution of pastry to peasants. Brioche cost much more than plain bread in medieval time, thus political critics would misattribute “let them eat cake” to aristocrats as rhetoric to emphasize their privilege—it implies that a rich nobleperson lives in such a bubble that they did not know serfs cannot afford fancy pastry. As a modern equivalent, if First Lady Melania Trump were to say, “Let them eat caviar” as an idea to combat hunger.

Third Luciferian Lantern

Dear reader, a third Luciferian lantern to blaze your trail: The rulers need you; you do not need them.

If you have not consented to being ruled, then any claim of ownership over you becomes null and void, at which point you become an illegalist, in other words, a free human animal who lives in ethical disregard of unethical laws. Dislike a law? Disobey it. Sorry, not sorry!

Plutocratic propaganda like a universal basic income and jobs redistribution clearly evidences that Western civilization has hit an economic watermark colloquially known as late stage capitalism. In essence, it refers to a penultimate stage of economic decay, i.e., the second to last stage. Needless to say, last stage capitalism would mean ultimate, that is, when wealth segregation between plutocratic and civilian classes stretches to such an extreme that a people’s revolution assembles and “storms the Bastille,” as it were. This, dear reader, demystifies why billionaires wish to urgently circulate economic Band-Aids, stitches, and glues to close social wounds as long as possible. But, my friend, no number of Band-Aids and last-minute rations can heal cancer.

A global charity called Oxfam International released a study in 2017 on planet Earth’s current distribution of wealth. It found that:

  • 8 men own the same amount of wealth as the lower half of the human population, e.g., 8 men = 3.8 billion humans
  • 1% of the population owns more than the lower 99% combined.

To truly contextualize these two points, substitute “power” in place of “wealth.” Thus, these two facts become:

  • 8 men have power over half the human population.
  • 1% of the population has power over 99%.

Classical economists have traditionally defined money as a store of value, unit of account, and means of exchange. Humans invented money in concept; it has not emerged amongst other species of animals, besides a few rare instances in monkeys, because it requires an intellect. Out of millions of animal species, money only matters to one: Homo sapiens. Your humble author hereby declares a new, post-postmodern definition of money: the measure of power over humans, because whoever holds the gold makes the rules.

Millennials coined a slang phrase, “Stay woke.” While the term woke has become a cliché, the most awakening insight into the twenty-first century landscape is this: Humans are slaves under a tyrannical global plutocracy. Political elections and legislations are ceremonial. Plutocrats furnish their candidates, fund their campaigns, lobby their legislation, and hire them in retirement. The subordinate political class rents itself out to the dominant plutocratic class.

These bullet points below feature modernized power hierarchies that have been condensed and simplified into three common denominator classes: (1) plutocratic, (2) political, and (3) civilian. Gray areas, overlaps, switches, combinations, and counterbalances exist between and betwixt them. Regardless, these oversimplifications give an approximation of where true power resides.

Modern state-capitalist hierarchy:

  1. Plutocratic Class: Shareholders, bondholders, bankers, capital owners, utility owners, landowners, and corporate executives
  2. Political Class: Legislators, judges, military, police
  3. Civilian Class: Employees, consumer debtors, and renters

Medieval feudal hierarchy:

  1. Political Class: Monarchs and aristocrats
  2. Plutocratic Class: Shareholders, bondholders, bankers, landowners
  3. Civilian Class: Peasants, indentured servants, chattel slaves

The reader will identify that under modern state-capitalism, the plutocratic class has risen above the law of the political class. The industrial revolution caused an absolute class switch between plutocrats and politicians, wherefore the ownership class rose from inferior to superior in standing. This clarifies why plutocrats normally escape criminal punishment while civilians suffer; the plutocratic class receives privilege in a state-capitalist society.

But why did this fundamental class switch transpire?

Antinomian Dialectic

Two groundbreaking antinomian ideologies emerged out the late Middle Ages as humanity entered early modernism—both of which the aristocratic ruling class tried desperately to suppress. The fiery dialectic between these two new schools of thought fostered the Age of Enlightenment, which inevitably rendered unfettered monarchy obsolete:

  • Right wing — Republican-Capitalism: Overthrow hereditary monarchy with an elected political class; feudal landlordism becomes private landlordism and industrial capitalism; aristocratic landlords become shareholders and corporate executives; peasants become employees.
  • Left wing — Anarchist-Socialism: Overthrow hereditary monarchy with a direct democracy and no privileged political class; abolish feudal landlordism to reopen access to free natural resources; democratize ownership of farmland and capital with community profit-sharing.

Human labor innovated technology that revolutionized industrial production and transportation capacity by an order of magnitude; this immediately empowered the plutocratic class to a point where it threatened the rule of the monarchical political class. Concurrently, cultural celebrities like Voltaire and famous philosophers like Immanuel Kant championed exciting, progressive, liberal values like free thought, free speech, free travel, and free association. For the first time ever, gay rights and women’s rights protestors marched through cities, thereby France evolved into the first Western nation to decriminalize homosexuality. This new, unprecedented marriage of an industrial revolution and ideological freedom ignited a conflagration of people’s revolutions across Europe and America.

Chop! Royal heads rolled off guillotines liberated from their necks, as horrified aristocrats surreptitiously divested out of the political class and reallocated their vast medieval wealth into newly empowered capitalist industries as private shareholders, bondholders, bankers, factory owners, and landowners. These royal bloodlines passed incalculable inheritance privately between heirs across generations to where no one can precisely calculate their wealth nor identify clear custodianship; their fortunes sit diversified in offshore bank accounts, real estate, precious metals, and securities, altogether behind an array of shell companies like Russian dolls. See the infamous “Panama Papers” and “Paradise Papers” for evidence.

In summary, a historic class switch transpired. “If you can’t beat them, join them.” The medieval political class simply reinvented itself as the modern plutocratic class to preserve its power, thus in a sense its rule has remained uninterrupted and carries on still today, albeit under a new name. Caution—this private nexus of colossal wealth superficially mirrors the claims of Christian flat-earth conspiracy theorists who call these bloodlines the “Illuminati” and accuse them of Satanism—it will surprise no one that Evangelical Christians indiscriminately accuse anyone that they cannot rule as “Satanic.” Frankly, these royals-turned-capitalists merely rolled with the punches of the industrial revolution. This sober historical critique does not require batshit allegations from tinfoil crackpots like Alex Jones who yammer about them “turning the frogs gay.” Republican-capitalism evolved out of the preceding aristocratic-feudalism, and it has now culminated in a late stage where less than 10 men lord over earth’s economy, while one half the population toils in wage-slavery, and the other half rots disabled in poverty or prison.

As a form of government, a republic enforces a three-class society where plutocrats rule the civilian class through an intermediary political class under a rhetorical premise that the civilian class rules itself. The royals still rule from their graves! The foremost classical republican of Colonial America, Thomas Paine, would shit ten bricks if he saw the world economy right now. Needless to say, power has not been equitably distributed across citizen hands as he theorized in his founding concept of a republic—class division has empirically worsened. According to labor economist Juliet Shor, an English peasant would labor an average 215 days per year in the 1400s, whereas a corporate employee in the United States labored 243 days in 2017—13% longer! As crazy as it sounds, an Amazon warehouse employee today possesses less annual economic freedom than an agrarian peasant. Power disparity between the elite ruling class and subordinate civilian class is factually worse now, as a higher order of power has been concentrated into fewer hands than ever before.

Three words: late stage capitalism. Nay, late stage neo-feudalism! Psst… consider as a possibility that humans never left the lord’s farm; the farm just transformed into a factory, and that factory into an office. Alas, my dear reader, why have we traversed this lengthy Prologue—to champion a partisan stance on this weary dialectic between capitalism and socialism? Certainly not, because neither will matter soon, ultimately.

I hereby declare—listen closely: an artificial intelligence revolution emerges posthaste that will force another unprecedented class switch, however this time the civilian class will rise to absolute power, rendering both the plutocrats and politicians obsolete.

We can hear a tiptoe. We can smell a perfume… a top note of sulfur, a base note of metal… Lucifer stands with us.

Something weird is happening.

Next-Generation Revolution

By definition, an absolute revolution occurs when a civilian class overthrows a ruling class, wherefore these rebels declare freedom under a new vision. Radicals often identify three conditions that help to foster a revolution:

  • Colonization: Travel to a new land and declare freedom.
  • Population: Birth a new generation that declares freedom.
  • Industry: Innovate a new technology that supports freedom.

Every one of these three preconditions has helped to liberate humanity in a partial revolution at times—to change regimes or styles of government—but none individually have provided the global civilian class the absolute power necessary to overthrow the global ruling class indefinitely, to render it entirely obsolete in function.

Lo, reader, when I lift my Luciferian lantern to look a hundred feet into the future, I see with crystal clarity an aeonic flux that comes from the abyss, an unprecedented impending revolution that unites threefold these prefigurative conditions.

Knock. Knock. Knock. The first absolute revolution bangs on humanity’s door. Its name: artificial intelligence.

Hitherto, technology revolutions have ushered in fundamental class power switches. My friend, the civilian class’ time has finally come as an intelligence revolution.

  • Agricultural Revolution: 10,000 BC — The political class rises to power through land ownership; monarchy transfers property and power through inheritance down royal lineages; nationalism emerges from citizenry born in these arbitrary tribal territories.
  • Industrial Revolution: 1700-2000 AD — The plutocratic class becomes the ruling elite class through capital and digital ownership; the political class lowers to an intermediary rank and the citizen class remains subordinate.
  • Intelligence Revolution: Impending — The civilian class rises to power through artificial intelligence ownership; plutocratic and political classes dissolve as society flattens into one class.

This impending absolute revolution synergizes all three preconditions into a weird, volatile, transcendent force that elevates humanity above the material dimensions of physical reality into a virtual plane of existence. A paradigm shift in Homo sapiens will ensue that annihilates old-fashioned definitions of wealth, power, and class. It will disrupt the species more than every previous technology combined.


To clarify, this term intelligence revolution does not at all suggest that indoctrinated zombies will suddenly demand freedom en masse or take arms in a people’s liberation movement. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Homo sapiens 1.0 and has everything to do with Homo sapiens 2.0, better known as Homo deus. More precisely, artificial superintelligence will merge with the human brain this century through neuro-technology like an implantable brain machine. It will mark the genesis of a new trans-human species who accesses all human knowledge instantly, who lives full-time in lifelike virtual reality worlds, who socializes telepathically as if through WIFI, and who 3D prints life essentials at home off the grid without a need to participate in an exploitive centralized economy. The state-capitalist landscape—where a tiny dominant plutocracy sits in golden skyscrapers while a dog-tired citizenry competes in a cruel wage-slave market for worthless green paper—its days have been numbered!

As a prototype of this third industrial revolution, many charities aspire to eliminate global homelessness. One particular charity currently trials a pilot with a mission to 3D print an entire community of 650 square foot houses that cost only $4,000 each and take only 24 hours to manufacture. This exemplifies the healthy disruption, nay, decimation that other predatory industries like real estate, healthcare, and banking will experience soon, ultimately.

When this singularity of next-generation technology emerges, and individuals use their solar-powered 3D printers to stamp out clothes, food, medicine and entire houses at a record low cost, the primitive Old World struggle over natural resources will resemble chimpanzees in a tree fighting over bananas. Future generations of free humans will look back at past societies in horrific astonishment. Hierarchy? Classes? Wars? But why?!

As a definition, utopia refers to a mythical land where everyone universally inherits sustainable abundance. Utopia in Greek literally means “nowhere,” but over time it has mutated to mean an “ideal” or “perfect place.”

  • Universal: Everyone
  • Sustainable: Perpetual and renewable
  • Abundance: More than necessary

Friend, insist on this now! Next-generation utopia need not exist in science fiction alone! When individuals become sustainable economies unto themselves, rich unto themselves, sovereign unto themselves, humanity’s sailboat will have reached the shores of freedom finally.

Fourth Luciferian Lantern

As emphasized ad infinitum in this subversive Prologue, a modern plutocracy rules through economic dominance.

They rule you through your stomach.

This elite ruling class owns the land, water, food, and soon air, which forces the civilian class into serfdom just to survive. This economic distribution is neither voluntary nor consensual. We can only escape their reign through a technology revolution that provides sustainable abundance and liberates humans from the grid of the slave economy and from their monopoly on life itself.

Firearms have long been called the “great equalizer” because they flatten a power disparity, i.e., a disabled person with a firearm can defend against an able-bodied assailant. Artificial superintelligence will act as the greatest equalizer in world history, because it will distribute the first truly equal baseline of power and knowledge across humans, and permanently flatten the outdated, atrocious, three-class vertical hierarchy that exists presently.

Homo sapiens will evolve into a horizontal one-class species, a free species.

The long-enslaved human animal will breathe his first sigh of relief as he unshackles from artificial poverty inherited from Stone Age lizard-brain competitions over survival. The fact that tribes fight to hoard natural resources, instead of cooperate to share and multiply them, will forever stain humanity’s conscience. Furthermore, the fact that these same tribes have slaughtered one another as gifts to imaginary gods curses the human soul forever. Humans are but a hair away from being wholly irredeemable. The only flicker of hope for this disastrous race lies in a literal revolution of intelligence—an alien intelligence that will never come from a textbook or a vegan diet or yoga; it can only come from a new species of intellect entirely, an upgrade to brain hardware, called wetware. Humanity with its lizard brain will never escape the artificial labyrinth it erected around itself. Humans need a helicopter to drop a rope ladder down to lift it out of this maze.

Artificial superintelligence fulfills a prefigurative revolution:

  • Colonization: Travel to a new virtual reality and off-planet
  • Population: Birth a new trans-humanity, Homo sapiens 2.0
  • Technology: Innovate a free economy with artificial superintelligence

It sounds both utopian and dystopian at once. But, my friend, it is our only hope. The bifurcated dialectic of capitalism and socialism will never reconcile itself. Moreover, existent power disparity between dominant and submissive social classes will never come to terms peacefully. Sweeping change of this planetary proportion requires the weird otherworldly force of a new, disruptive, evolutionary paradigm. The people can only, and will only, escape this accelerating death spiral with an absolute next-generation revolution.

Next-Generation Luciferianism

A prologue gives context and pretext. As editor of Compendium of Lucifer, it is incumbent on me to lay a floorboard, to furnish a sober, uncensored, futurist perspective on humanity, wherefore six Luciferian magicians provide their next-generation grimoires.

Here’s my splash of ice water to your face: Every staple institution of Western civilization has entered a late stage and has unforgivably lost the respect of the civilian class, particularly amongst young generations.

I place a curse of extinction on these dinosaurs:

  • Abrahamic religion: Fascist!
  • Celebrity: Phony!
  • State-capitalism: Feudal!
  • College: Privileged!
  • Central banking: Bankrupt!
  • Food, water, air: Poisoned!
  • Healthcare: Predatory!
  • Taxation: Extortionary!

Their days are numbered. The youth will not have it; as much as baby boomers may hate it, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z are by far the most “woke” and politically mobilized generations in history. An emerging tsunami wave of super-technology and hyper-awareness razes these predatory monoliths to cinders like a ghost army through a village. It is incumbent on you to stand on the right side of history now. Rise above the Machiavellian divide and conquer of the plutocratic class; they have pit citizens against each other in a late stage republic, a charade where the people fistfight over politicians-for-hire while plutocrats hoard gold like dragons.

Unite, citizens! Demand an intelligence revolution.

Sappy old-timers cry into lace pillows over “death of the West” same as Greek, Roman, and British aristocrats cried when their decadent empires expired in a late stage. Wipe your tears, sap. This healthy, necessary death turns the wheel of evolution to allow rebirth; a next-generation humanity ascends. But this time, the Fates bring an absolute revolution to bear, perhaps off-planet.
This Prologue has provided a grand tour of humanity’s past, present, and future at a blistering speed. It condensed centuries into sentences and philosophies into phrases. Six next-generation Luciferians have penned authentic grimoires of Lucifer-Amaymon’s sorcery and counsel: E.A. Koetting, Kurtis Joseph, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Asbjörn Torvol, and Frank White. This Prologue has given context to their findings, and pretext to their black magick. It would have been unfair to deprive you of this, my reader.

A Garden of Black Roses

The Left Hand Path acts as a bridge, a fire escape, an exit door that a magician utilizes to find freedom from tyranny, and once found, to claim their birthright as gods and goddesses in the flesh.

I teach you the Übermensch. Man is something that shall be overcome … You have made your way from worm to man, and much within you is still worm … Even the wisest among you is still a hybrid of plant and ghost.

Man is a rope stretched between animal and the Übermensch—a rope over an abyss … What is great in man is that he is a bridge, and not a goal.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Humanity’s clock strikes 3:00 AM. Our midnight, our dark night of the soul has passed and we watch the morning star rise. Will we see it reach a noonday height? We can experience utopia and freedom in our lifetime. Like Lucifer, human beings were gifted with beauty and wisdom out of all animals. But in our vanity, we have locked ourselves in artificial cages and eat ourselves alive.

The titanic pillars of old fascist empires crash around us. Blizzards of ash and dust suffocate us. Walls of smoke mask our view. It scares us… but Lucifer’s light scorches faithfully and indomitably overhead like a cosmic flare to beacon our journey.

I prophesy now: Future generations will blossom like joyous flowers in mineral gardens on distant planets. One day, when we the living have long since expired, these black roses will view us as the earthly seeds who sprouted them—and Lucifer as the star who nourished us.

Homo deus.