Philosophy vs. Religion — The War Between Logic & Faith

1. Philosophy defined.

Philosophy etymologically means love of knowledge in Greek; it specializes in logic, that is, the formulation of accurate and consistent theory. Under these two constant principles of logic, philosophers inquire on three main topics:

  1. Epistemology: study of knowledge
  2. Morality: study of virtue
  3. Aesthetics: study of beauty

Philosophers organize socially in inclusive schools of thought—intellectual movements. Exponents of each tradition compare and contrast their respective ideas in dialogs called dialectic. There are no barriers to entry, licenses, sacraments, or initiations required in order to study and expound a particular school of thought. In this sense, philosophy exemplifies the postmodern ethics of freethought and egalitarianism.

2. Religion revealed.

Religion comprises the diametric opposite of philosophy; one can merely invert the tenets of philosophy to reveal the essence of religion, e.g., freethought becomes dogma, and egalitarianism becomes elitism.

Religion denotes:

  1. Faith: belief in divinity
  2. Gnosis: ceremony to commune with divinity
  3. Hierarchy: elitist social organization

At its root, a religious believer worships an unfalsifiable hypothesis known as divinity. They speculate that this impossibly perfect eternal substance makes up the essence of a being named god. The error innate to this hypothesis lies in how no empirical evidence supports it—they usually concede this fact—and that as an intellectual idea it violates the principles of logic—they usually do not concede this fact. Under honest scrutiny, the divinity hypothesis classifies as both unscientific and irrational.

3. Delusion of faith.

Fallacies of divinity hypothesis:

  1. Cosmogony error: if a being created existence, then that being preexisted before existence, which means existence preceded existence, thus the being did not create existence originally.
  2. Causality/cosmology error: if existence needs a creator, then that creator needs a creator too. Every creator needs its own preceding creator, thus an infinite number of creators needs to exist in an infinite regression.
  3. Empiricism error: if a being created existence, then that being is made up of a categorically different substance than cosmic existence, alas no instrument in existence can measure it, therefore it is unfalsifiable.
  4. Morality error: if divinity is perfectly moral, and a divine being created existence, then existence is perfectly moral, and evil cannot exist. But evil does exist, because violent atrocities occur frequently.
  5. Quality error: if divinity is perfect, and a divine being created existence, then its creation is perfect, thus all biological beings should live forever with flawless health. But every biological being dies and commonly suffers illness.
  6. Authority error: a deity could prove it exists with clear evidence through a broadcast to the human race, but instead it requires humans to believe contradictory claims from ancient dead scribes.
  7. Time error: nobody can prove that eternity exists, because it would require an eternity to measure.
  8. Dogma error: religions claim that their deity and creation tale is dogmatically true, and that every other religion’s is false. All deities and creation tales cannot be both true and false at the same time.
  9. Mythology error: little to no evidence corroborates the claims from the thousands of mythical tales of religion, yet religious adherents deem them infallibly true.

These nine errors constitute only the most common refutations of faith in the divinity hypothesis—many more exist. Faith in a deity classifies as a delusion.

4. Insanity of gnosis.

Gnosis refers to communion with a divine being. But if such a being does not exist, then one cannot commune with it. Despite this irrefutable error in logic, religious believers hold blind faith that if they try hard enough for long enough, they will experience god. In other words, they literally are insane—they fail at the same thing again and again.

5. Tyranny of hierarchy.

Hierarchy derives from hierarkhia in Greek, and denotes societal rule by a priest class—similar to a theocracy; hieros means sacred and archon means to rule, hence hierarchy.
Any human who claims authority over another human because of their delusional faith, falls under the dual category of bigot and tyrant. The very concept of hierarchy—religious rulership—is not only madness, but pure evil. To posture oneself as greater than others for a religious reason exemplifies naked bigotry, and to seek to rule over others exemplifies classic tyranny. In summation the ancient class division of a supreme hierarchical priesthood and its lower community of inferiors smacks of the ugliest, vilest, and most insane form of oppression ever conceived by mankind. This extremely damning conclusion stands for churches, temples, mosques, and all other variety of elitist religious groups and houses of worship.

As an aside, lest the reader try to give a free pass to the nihilistic ascetic mysticism of the East, for example Buddhism, whose priests also deserve to suffer torment in the lowest ring of Dante Alighieri’s inferno, for they commit nearly identical atrocities of terrorism, child abuse, elitist tyranny, hate speech, and indoctrination as the Western theistic religions. A fast search on Buddhist child rape will reveal staggering cover-ups and allegations.

The sheer concept of a priesthood—an anointed master class that rules the unwashed slave class by way of force—sets the record for most misanthropic and anti-egalitarian evil in history. It epitomizes social injustice. Let this warning be spray painted across every wall, shouted from every rooftop, and shared virally on all technology, for as long as the human species exists. The filthy rapist hands of vicious hierarchies have inflicted all manner of genocide and atrocity on innocent humans for millennia—and at all costs it must never be forgiven nor forgotten! The religious class scheme itself deserves nothing less than permanent expulsion out of the human psyche. If only neurosurgeons could simply cut out the section of the brain that facilitates such psychological disorder!—figuratively speaking.