Nihilism: Fallout in the Abyss

56. Claude Monet.

A generation of sons and daughters reared in a bomb shelter. Children who dance and tiptoe on the edge of the world. Those who experience one perpetual season—a skyless nuclear winter. They are forced to wear gas masks at all times when they enter the maelstrom. They dream about tomorrow inside the quarantine of a steel vault and live through photographs of paintings—Impression, soleil levant.

Who are these isolated ones, who will never see the sunrise?

57. Monsters of Fate.

The muscular, bulging arms of fate viscerally offend the sleepyheads whom hallucinate the mirage of freedom. These dopers chronically inject anesthesia to numb their skin while the sandpaper of reality scrapes layer after layer off their flesh. They simply cannot cope with the nauseating fact that an incalculable number of cosmic forces act squarely against them—it poisons their stomach like bad shellfish. To their own demise, they remain utterly oblivious to the skyscraper tsunami that steamrolls across the surface of the ocean toward them. Oh, but they still smell a stink in the air… they watch the seagulls leap into the wind and fly off as the rodents scatter into the brush; they hear how everything sounds so hollow anymore. They feel in their heart of hearts lately that life has abandoned them. The pathos of desolation creeps into their blood. But why… has the numbing agent worn off?

Pause now, and rise above the monotony of mobile phones, cars, and children. Observe the blistering tornado of fate that spins mercilessly around humanity. That is to say: certain crises will unfold inevitably regardless of whether the lonely widow indulges in a second cup of java chip ice cream. To use vulgarity: the universe does not give a flying fuck about human affairs. Any belief that it does measures as the pinnacle of vanity.

Dear reader, do not mistake this for melodramatic alarmism, like the hackneyed television economists who herald doom and gloom every day. This is a far more cosmic and soulful and exotic reality.

For example, the Andromeda Galaxy will collide into the Milky Way Galaxy in four billion years, swallow many of its stars, and ejaculate a third, new galaxy tentatively called the Milkomeda Galaxy. This mathematical fate will unravel and any sapient biological beings who live in the Milky Way Galaxy at that colossal turning point will need to devise an escape.

For a second notorious example, the sun will explode in four billion years, around the same time Andromeda crashes into Milky Way. The dwarf star will inflate to the size of a red giant and eat the earth in one bite.

Pray tell—what does humanity matter to these monsters of fate? To this point, what do human fictions like god and morality matter?

If the universe itself sprints to obliterate the home of humanity in the most casual blink of an eye, what does that say about the value of humanity in the eyes of the universe?

Expendable waste. Cosmically worthless.

When a carpenter demolishes a house, what does he care about the termites nested in the walls? Perhaps he tears the building down because of the termites. In parallel, if a deity erects and then annihilates the Milky Way, perhaps it does that because it hates the humans, and sees them as termites in the walls of his house?

58. Cosmic Amorality.

Time is a child moving counters in a game; the royal power is a child’s.
—Heraclitus, Fragment 24

For so long humans have glorified their own existence. They have claimed to be the privileged sons and daughters of perfect gods—a political rank above royalty!—and yet in this vain ivory tower they have not once considered the possibility that they rank on par with fecal matter on the weighted scale of the universe. In reaction to this humiliation, the religious faithful inject more tranquilizer into their bruised butt cheeks. Like battered housewives they repeat the mantra that life is sacred and swear the invisible god secretly does care about them.

To flip religious arrogance onto its head: what if the cosmos despises humanity? Would it not explain why it has fired the Andromeda Galaxy at the Milky Way like a heat-seeking missile? What if god has washed his hands of humanity because he views it as a waste of carbon?

The cosmos, the universe, and life possess neither intrinsic meaning nor value—they are all worth whatever worth individuals assign to them. To the serial killer, life has negligible value, whereas to the great grandparent, life has inestimable value.

The fairest universe is a but a heap of rubbish piled up at random.
—Heraclitus, Fragment 40

Human beings invented a plastic, pliable concept called value in order to give their own lives meaning as a way to feel important or necessary or above nature. In reality, to the 99.999 percent remainder of the cosmos, value has no concept, no place, no role. The universe does not need valuation—it does not need morality—in order to act cleanly and precisely.

Donkeys would prefer straw to gold.
—Heraclitus, Fragment 102

59. Predicament.

The author poses this predicament. Which of the following seems more reasonable?

  • Amorality: the universe does not possess an implicit, absolute morality, and thus the obliteration of the Milky Way means nothing ultimately.
  • Morality: the universe possesses an implicit, absolute morality, and thus the obliteration of humanity’s home galaxy qualifies as evil, and means pessimism ultimately.

There can be no two ways about it! The cosmos either exists amorally or morally. It is either devoid of moral valuation or highlighted by one. The mathematical certainty of a galactic collision demands much-needed soul-searching, even if the reader will never witness it personally.

It begs the question: how could such an abject holocaust take place in a supposedly noble world of moral justice?

60. Nietzsche Contra Kant.

The shrewd but flawed modern philosopher Immanuel Kant would deny the premise of this predicament. He declared that morality can only exist amongst rational entities who have free will, e.g., humans. Ergo, one cannot assign a moral judgement to natural catastrophes. This definition of morality sounds logical on the surface and reigned for a century, but it crumbled under the mightiest hammer blows of the next era.

Kant elucidated it thus:

What else, then, can freedom of the will be but autonomy, i.e., the property that the will has of being a law to itself […] the principle of acting according to no other maxim than that which can at the same time have itself as the universal law for its object. Now this is precisely the formula for the categorical imperative and is the principle of morality. Thus a free will and a will subject to moral laws are one and the same.

For inasmuch as morality serves as a law for us only insofar as we are rational beings, it must also be valid for all rational beings. And since morality must be derived solely from the property of freedom […] the property of the will of all rational beings.
—Immanuel Kant, Metaphysics of Morals, s.447-8

Kant’s postmodern progeny, Friedrich Nietzsche, would turn back and tear his predecessor’s premise in half, and employ the first part as grounds for his own adversarial theory. He insisted that humans, of course, categorize as rational beings, but that Kant failed to prove that his perfect, absolute condition known as freedom of will exists at all.

Moreover, the fact that humans exist as rational beings only supports the conclusion that early humans originated morality in the first place, ergo its theoretical values remain a matter of perspective between each individual human. In other words, Nietzsche apprehends Kant on the deceptive maneuver in which he manufactured an absolute freedom in order to justify his second absolute of cosmic morality. This line in the sand between Nietzsche and Kant exhibits the eternal dispute in morality between perspectivism and absolutism.

Not only would Nietzsche lick his chops at the aforementioned predicament between amorality and morality as dictated by the impending collision between galaxies, but he unveiled a strikingly similar theme in one of the most beautifully unnerving literary passages he ever penned:

In some remote corner of the sprawling universe, twinkling among the countless solar systems, there was once a star on which some clever animals invented knowledge. It was the most arrogant, most mendacious minute in world history, but it was only a minute. After nature caught its breath a little, the star froze, and the clever animals had to die. And it was time, too: for although they boasted of how much they had come to know, in the end they realized they had gotten it all wrong. They died and in dying cursed truth. Such was the species of doubting animal that had invented knowledge.
—Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Pathos of Truth

If the cosmos contains an implicit absolute morality encoded into its fiber, and if natural occurrences terminate life frequently, then the cosmos itself qualifies as evil because it violates its own morality. Kant tried to devise a fire exit to escape out of this logical trap when he assigned morality to beings with free will only. Freedom measures as an absolute, i.e., it cannot have half-measures, a person cannot be half-free. Hence, the terms absolute and perfect mean the same thing—purity or flawlessness. Therefore, Kant foolishly assigned morality to rational beings who have perfect will under his definition. A being with perfect will cannot have a morality because it can only ever think and act perfectly anyway. This tautology in Kantian morality implodes his theory, like a long train that speeds around a short circular track and eventually crashes into its own caboose. Good try though, Immanuel!

Freedom refers to an absolute or flawless condition, and flawlessness pertains only to a perfect being, ergo only a perfect being can possess truly free will. Incidentally, this syllogism not only ruptures the Kantian delusion of absolute morality, but it bursts the traditional idea of free will altogether—by the by, it demolishes the antithetical notion of determinism also, which merely commits the exact same perfection fallacy of free will but on the flip-side. In summary, both the thesis of free will and its antithesis of determinism classify as absurdly irrational—because they require absolute qualities.

61. Thunderbolts of Fate.

Alright, so?

Consider this fact: the multitudinous forces of the world at large affect a person incalculably more than the force that person affects upon the world. To reiterate: fate grips—and periodically strangles—the soul of man and woman more than they stomach to concede! What does the minnow matter to the tsunami? What does the single blade of wheat matter to the scythe? If one defines fate as the thunderstorm of cultural forces inflicted upon every individual human by the sum of humanity, then fate necessarily becomes inescapable insofar as an individual lives amongst humanity.

A person may change the world—but the world always changes the person. Fate does not need people to believe in it in order for its dermabrasion wheel to pierce the skin. If only life came with a bottle of lidocaine because the individual is forced to weather the thunderbolts of fate head-on with no anesthesia. Hence, they cook tranquilizers and sedatives under the formula of ideals and absolutes, they claim to be the chosen ones, the sons and daughters of perfect gods, destined for eternal paradises—these opaque glasses fully blind them to the lightning strikes of reality.

Who can blame them though?

62. Hellraisers.

Perhaps the secret to life lies in an alternate viewpoint altogether. Rather than injecting anesthesia to numb away the storm… chase after the storm. Does this not turn fate around against itself? Become one of the courageous few who raises storms. Descend into the brimstone mine of hell and summon its devils to conspire on earth!

So many become disoriented in the fluffy cotton ball clouds of celestial idealism, when in reality only a hellraiser can ever undermine the terrain and cope with the sticks and stones of life.

63. Suicide & Cannibalism.

Nearby off the sleepy coast, the vigilant hellraiser has keenly observed over millennia how those very celestial clouds have transmogrified into the blackest storm clouds. The oceanic tides of fate ever beckon this belligerent apocalypse toward the shore one generation at a time. Wherefore the once buttery horizon has desaturated to an unnerving monochrome. A glassy silence crystalizes the air. If one were to poke the atmosphere with a finger, it would electrocute them.

Nihilism is at our door: whence comes this most gruesome of all guests to us?
—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power, A Plan

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. This most gruesome guest knocks at the front door as a mockery because it knows humanity cringes with every thud. It will force its way through the most vulnerable points of entry if necessary. In fact, its toxic fumes have already crept in through every window, every chimney, every cellar door, and infected all residents.

Dear reader, like fungus in the wooden beams of a house, nihilism has thoroughly decayed the lofty columns of human culture—and it will accelerate furiously into a frenzied maelstrom of suicidal cannibalism. How else does one define nihilism if not suicide and cannibalism?

Nihilists kill themselves and eat their own.

64. Orgasms of Homicide.

  • An Islamic jihadist declares in no uncertain terms that Allah rules the earth, and thus to install his global empire he should eradicate all infidels! Suicide bombings ensue…
  • A Christian inquisitor declares in dogmatic terms that Yahweh’s word is law, and thus to enforce the Bible he should travel across Europe to punish all heretics! Burnings at the stake ensue…
  • A Buddhist monk declares in absolute terms that life is suffering, and thus to evade that affliction he should eliminate his sense of identity! A fiery self-immolation ensues…
  • A Communist dictator declares in categorical terms that centralized distribution guarantees equality for all, and thus to enforce the iron-fisted policy the regime should assassinate all dissidents! A political genocide ensues…
  • A Fascist dictator declares in idealistic terms that one master race rules over all others, and thus to wipe out the pollution of inferior races the regime should exterminate all foreigners! An ethnic cleansing ensues…
  • A Crony Capitalist declares in definitive terms that marijuana poses a severe danger to society, and thus to criminalize the herbal threat the nation should prohibit its possession! An epidemic of incarceration in his private prisons ensue…
  • A Republican or Democratic representative declares in unconditional terms that the will of the majority must rule, and thus to become a candidate he should promise corporate contracts, grants, welfare, citizenship, and legal amnesty to donors and voters! A corrupt legislature ensues…
  • A Social Justice Warrior declares in authoritative terms that no one can say anything offensive, and thus to combat against micro-aggressions the government should prohibit hate speech! A censorship of free speech ensues…
  • A Radical Feminist declares in universal terms that all men are rapists, and thus to fight sexual abuse all men should undergo forced castration or sterilization. An epidemic of false rape accusations ensues…
  • A Central Banker declares in unequivocal terms that constant inflation helps the economy, and thus to stimulate growth the bank should print an endless amount of artificial money. A currency collapse ensues…

65. Annihilism.

What does Nihilism mean? That the highest values are losing their value. […] Every purely moral valuation terminates in Nihilism.
—Nietzsche, Ibid, Aphorism 2 & 19

For a formal definition: nihilism refers to the last stage of an irrational ideology where it annihilates itself; when its own meaning becomes meaningless; when its values reach their absurd conclusion and thereby cause its demise; an intellectual regression ensues; the ideology commits suicide by virtue of its own asinine absolutism; the body develops cancer which kills the body. As such, the author has coined the term annihilism to clarify its meaning in a tongue-in-cheek way.

There finally arises a certain self-annihilation, an antagonistic attitude toward itself. […] The nihilistic consequences […] where all principles at length become tainted with the atmosphere of the platform.
—Nietzsche, Ibid, A Plan

Two religious movements on planet Earth at this current moment epitomize nihilism in its maximal glory, both of which the author enumerated previously. This pair stands out because they each embody one of the two flavors or varieties of nihilism:

  • Theistic
  • Secular

66. Theistic Nihilism.

Ah, the religion of peace! Islam distinguishes itself by its extremely brutal imperialism but with a deliciously psychotic twist—its radicals often commit homicide through suicide. Above and beyond any form of nihilism in world history, Islamic jihad wears the gold medal for first place in the sport of hyper-belligerence. Nothing reeks of annihilism more putridly than genocide through suicide.

A female honey bee dies when she stings a victim. When her stinger lodges in place and she pulls away to fly off, it rips out her intestines and she falls dead. In a deranged sort of suicidal homicide, radical jihadists wage war like a female honey bee. They consume themselves to consume others—rather, they sacrifice themselves to sacrifice others on the altar of Allah.

It may strike a casual, grounded human being as unbelievable or incredible that any radical this extreme can walk the face of the earth. Everybody has heard of the anarchist-communist who hurls a Molotov cocktail through a factory window or the angry protestors who flip over cop cars, or the environmentalists who chain themselves to evergreen trees but who believes that people can become so passionate about an ideology that they literally kill themselves in order to kill intellectual deviants? The Islamic State—the most ruthlessly terroristic political entity in Islam and the quintessence of hyper-nihilism—releases a glossy digital magazine called Dabiq, which they circulate globally to fan the flame of jihad in the hearts of believers. In the most recent Issue 15 of this horror-novel-of-a-periodical entitled Break the Cross, they feature an acidic article aggressively called “Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You.” The anonymous author cites their six worst grievances with Western culture as the explicit reasons for why they strive tirelessly to exterminate infidels. As an amusing aside, they do not care about the conventional left-right divide in Western politics. They despise both liberals and conservatives, referring to secularists as the “atheist fringe” and Christians as “pagan devils.” They see the whole spectrum from left to right as irredeemably malevolent.

Herein an abridged version of critical passages from their grievances:

1. We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah […] you blaspheme against Him […] you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices. It is for this reason that we were commanded to openly declare our hatred for you and our enmity towards you.

These insane nihilists need not clarify any further. Faithfully in the fashion of an absolutist ideology, they identify disbelief, heresy, and apostasy as the topmost evil that any human can commit. Defection and deviation cannot exist in an absolutist world because it evidences imperfection, which ruins the absolute like chocolate stains on a dry cleaned shirt.

2. We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited […] you separate between religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power. In doing so, you desire to rob Allah of His right to be obeyed and you wish to usurp that right for yourselves. […] Your secular liberalism has led you to tolerate and even support “gay rights,” to allow alcohol, drugs, fornication, gambling, and usury to become widespread, and to encourage the people to mock those who denounce these filthy sins and vices. As such, we wage war against you to stop you from spreading your disbelief and debauchery—your secularism and nationalism, your perverted liberal values, your Christianity and atheism—and all the depravity and corruption they entail. You’ve made it your mission to “liberate” Muslim societies; we’ve made it our mission to fight off your influence and protect mankind from your misguided concepts and your deviant way of life.

In the above quotation, the Islamic theocrats criticize secular democracy and accuse all secularists, nationalists, Christians, and atheists of sacrilege and profanity.

3. In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator.

The only conceivable sin worse than disbelief in the brain of a jihadist would be for a person to become their own god.

4. We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion. As long as your subjects continue to mock our faith, insult the prophets of Allah […] burn the Quran, and openly vilify the laws of the Shari’ah, we will continue to retaliate, not with slogans and placards, but with bullets and knives.

The Islamic radical makes it abundantly clear what he means in this passage; no commentary needed.

5. We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth. As such, we fight you to stop you from killing our men, women and children, to liberate those of them whom you imprison and torture and to take revenge for the countless Muslims who’ve suffered as a result of your deeds.

6. We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out. As long as there is an inch of territory left for us to reclaim, jihad will continue to be a personal obligation on every single Muslim.

The religious radical conflates defensive Western interventionism against terroristic Jihadist imperialism as an attack on their theocratic society.

In total, the Islamic State categorizes every single act or idea that violates Quranic dogma and Shariah law as a malicious offense against their god Allah, even if the sinner lives on a remote island and has never heard of Islam. This grotesque magazine, Dabiq, furnishes the bare naked worldview of theistic nihilism as it exists in real time right now.

They must enforce and preserve their fictional, idealistic, absolutist religion at all costs, including the loss of their own lives—hence, suicidal homicide. As if the watermark of atrocity could rise no higher, the Islamic State has rolled out its newest program, Cubs of the Caliphate, where they encourage brainwashed children to suicide bomb for them.
The reader will recall that nihilism denotes the condition whereby an ideology regresses upon itself; its meaning becomes meaningless; when the logical extreme of the values invalidates the original values themselves; a dog chases its tail and bites its own ass; ouroboros; suicide; intellectual cannibalism.

Islamic hyper-nihilism highlighted: the religion of peace forces its children to commit suicidal homicide.

Unrhetorical questions: can a human ideology become more absurd? How does a rational person cope with the reality of such evil? What does the mainstream popularity of this religion—and any religion for that matter—say about humanity in essence?

67. Secular Nihilism.

Buddhism distinguishes itself through its soul-deadening asceticism, a sort of insidious life-long psychic suicide in a prison-like quarantine out of society. Their secular dogma that life is suffering engenders radical pessimism in the hearts of its adherents, which they mask behind plastic smiles, while they panhandle for stale rice due to self-avowed poverty.

In The Will to Power, Nietzsche characterized this psychosis as a “Yearning for nonentity […] pessimism leads finally to nihilism […] the abdication of the will to live.”

To flesh that out, half a billion healthy able-bodied men and women who otherwise could have contributed greatness to the world, have nihilistically reduced themselves to extremely impoverished conditions due to their absurd ideology of pessimism. A Buddhist embodies the figure of speech waste of life. Monks, quite literally, are bums whom prey off the sympathy of generous neighbors to receive handouts because they loathe to participate in reality. They suppress this psycho-pathology under the cover of shallow platitudes like gratitude and forgiveness. Gratitude for what?—for the constant donations they guilt trip out of the local townspeople. Forgiveness for what?—for the townspeople whom decline to donate.

The jagged lightning bolts of reality horrify mystics, so they scramble to inject the anesthetic of Buddhism into their buttocks. Whenceforth, they remain numb in a lotus posture in the safe space of barren white-walled cells for the duration of their vacuous lives.

Oh Timothy, if these smiley monks would like to squander their precious time on earth, why excoriate them?—pleads the bleeding heart. Pray tell, oh bleeding heart, how does Buddhism linger on generation after generation when it fosters nothing but widespread poverty? Answer: forced child indoctrination! Oh bleeding heart, why doest thy heart not bleedeth for the hundreds of millions of child abuse victims? Answer: ignorance and hypocrisy. Do an online search for Buddhist child abuse. The Dalai Lama rivals the Catholic Pope for most skeletons hidden in a robed man’s closet.

This secular religion wears the gold medal for first place in the sport of hyper-pessimism—the absolute dogma that life sucks and therefore everyone should divorce themselves from it through ascetic deprivation. Mystics do nothing but hide from reality.

68. Fallout in the Abyss.

Greater dooms win greater destinies.
—Heraclitus, Fragment 70

When a person jumps into the air, they inevitably hit the ground. When a species militantly breeds absolutist ideology into itself for over ten thousand years, they inevitably suffer an apocalypse of the psyche, an Armageddon of the intellect, a nuclear winter of the soul. At present, humanity commences this devastating epidemic, this Black Plague of the brain.

The time is coming when we shall have to pay for having been Christians for two thousand years: we are losing the equilibrium which enables us to live.
—Nietzsche, Ibid, Aphorism 30

Timothy revises: The time is coming when we shall have to pay for having been religious since prehistory!

The curse has been cast. The fate has been sealed. The dice have been rolled. The atomic bomb has been dropped. The soul of man is doomed for the foreseeable future. An unprecedented catastrophic nuclear accident befell Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986; scientists estimate it will remain uninhabitable for the next 20,000 years—an untouchable malignant tumor on the face of earth! For how long will the human psyche bear the radioactive contamination of its own hyper-nihilistic fallout? No greater line of inquiry exists!

The Somali Democratic Republic, aka Somalia, collapsed under the strife of a bitter civil war in the 1990s. In the vacuum of this failed tyrannical state, a brutal dystopia ensued by necessity. The helpless residents inflicted every imaginable kind of grisly atrocity on one another. This historical specimen illustrates the sort of fallout that transpires in the post-nihilistic wasteland—although this event particularly involved only one tiny marginal nation in the brief span of decades, whereas the forthcoming mega-fallout will involve the most deeply entrenched super-ideologies that have ossified worldwide over the entire course of human history, e.g., religious thought itself.

Virtually all major earthly ideologies have entered the nihilistic stage in various degrees at the same time, and they all converge to form an inescapable psychic black hole right now. The only shelter lies in the abyss of one’s own head. Every single human being from now into the future will experience fallout in the abyss.

69. Joyful Pessimism.

Our Pessimism: the world has not the value which we believed it to have […] In the first place, it seems of less value: at first it is felt to be of less value—only in this sense are we pessimists—that is to say, with the will to acknowledge this transvaluation without reserve, and no longer, as heretofore, to deceive ourselves and chant the old old story.

It is precisely in this way that we find the pathos which urges us to seek for new values.
—Nietzsche, Ibid, Aphorism 32

Pessimism! This spookiest of judgements—society tries to drum it out of children like a blacksmith tempers a lump out of steel. On the main, a pessimist judges the world as fundamentally irrational and anathema to their own moral valuation. Is not every fair person a pessimist to some extent? For a lucid thinker, should not pessimism remain the default position unless proven otherwise, especially in retrospect of human history. One can scarcely spy glimmers of human fraternity and ingenuity for more than but the briefest of instances, as if any time the light bulb above a human head lit with a great idea, the tribe smashed it with a hammer to conserve ideology.

The author poses this conundrum for optimists: the cruelest of tragedy befalls innocent people every day, which disproves the hypothesis of cosmic justice.

Ah, but the grandest fortune can also strike innocent people!—the optimist hollers gleefully.

But does that not only further disprove cosmic justice?

Whether the fate be tragic or fortunate, it does not discriminate between just and unjust people. If the tidings of fate, for better or worse, do not proportionately reflect a person’s moral record, then why should anyone care about morality in the first place?

What is the point?

Now the reader recognizes why dear brother Nietzsche excoriated morality as a psychological gimmick that humans invented to feel special in the universe; it provides a narrative of belief that the cosmos or the gods or karma owes them a noble fate so they tiptoe around cracks on the sidewalk to avoid bad luck.

Why do children born into the Islamic State, who die as teenage suicide bombers, warrant that inhumane fate? Did they deserve that? Ah, they must have a bad karmic record from a past life!—condemns the orthodox Hindu.

Cosmic morality is the most ignoble superstition.

Personal morality is the most noble reality.

Anyone who enjoys the freedom of their own personal moral valuation cannot be anything other than a joyful pessimist in a world full of nihilists!